Vantaan Marathon invates You to participate to the event on Saturday October 12th 2024. Vantaan Marathon is well known of fast route and pleasant event atmosphere. The lap length is 10,5 km and full marathon is 4 laps, ½ marathon 2 laps.
All starts are located at Tikkurila Sports Park, except 10 km start, which is app. 500 m from Marathon start line.
Marathon (42,195 km)
Half Marathon (21,1 km)
10 K
Marathon Relay (4*10,55 lm)
Paid by June 30th:
Marathon 1/2-marathon 10 km Marathon relay
65 € 60 € 30 € 115 €
Paid by August 31st:
Marathon 1/2-marathon 10 km Marathon relay
70 € 65 € 35 € 135 €
Paid by September 30th:
Marathon 1/2-marathon 10 km Marathon relay
75 € 70 € 40 € 155 €
Late registration:
Marathon 1/2-marathon 10 km Marathon relay
80 € 75 € 45 € 165 €
Payment to our bank account:
Bank: OP
Account owner: Kenttäurheilijat-58
Account number:
IBAN: FI61 5780 3820 2120 67
17:30- 20:00
TIC, Competitors Office Vantaa Marathon; Tikkurila open all competitors
12th October 2024
8.30 am Competitosrs office (TIC) opens
11.00 am Marathon start
Marathon relay start
11.15 am 10 km start
2.00 pm 1/2-marathon start
5.00 pm Entry to swimming hall closes
5.30 pm Race office closes
6.00 pm Swimming hall closes
+358 45 269 6300
If you have difficulties making a registration, you can send us an email.
Vantaa Marathon is organized by the athletic clubs Kenttäurheilijat-58, Korson Kunto and Vantaan Salamat.